
How does it work?

In order to comprehend, let’s look at the concept of palpation. Your chiropractor will palpate your spine to feel for any stiffness, motion, or fluidity in the joints. Subluxation is an improper motion that interferes with nerve function. The ProAdjuster may assess whether the vertebra’s mobility is excessively rigid or too fluid in a manner comparable to palpation. ProAdjuster isolates a problem region faster and more accurately than manual processes since it measures precise levels of motion.

How can anything so gentle and comfortable change my spine?

The ProAdjuster employs a precise oscillating force that moves continuously. By limiting or facilitating motion in the aberrant locations, it can increase the mobility of the spinal segments. In other words, the joint is being “unsticked” by the ProAdjuster. Have you ever witnessed a woodpecker pounding on a tree in an oscillating motion? You can actually witness them bore through the toughest wood, which is hard to comprehend! Similar tapping is done by the ProAdjuster, but it employs soft tips that are gentle on the body and do not cause harm.

The ProAdjuster helps to fine-tune the nervous system.

Our doctors will first speak with you in private to learn more about your medical history and potential problem factors. Then, the adjustment and therapy methods can be altered to meet the demands of each patient.

The ProAdjuster’s powerful computerized analysis is used as the next step in the diagnostic and therapy process to identify the problem areas. The data is then visually charted on a computer screen so that your doctor can identify the trouble areas at every appointment.

The ProAdjuster’s resonant force impulses will now be applied exactly to the affected locations by your doctor. You will receive gentle, efficient treatment to that particular area, minimizing the subluxation. As a result, the nerve will be released from pressure, have more freedom to communicate information to and from the brain and be able to heal. Most importantly, it will aid in pain relief! Your doctor may also retake the readings with the ProAdjuster after the modification in order to compare the outcomes. That elevates analysis to a completely new level!

Give chiropractic and the ProAdjuster a try if you want to spend more time with your family, feel more energised and less tired, work more effectively, and live life to the fullest with less restrictions. Call us today to schedule your appointment!